

欢迎 to the 社会与行为科学部 at Xavier University of Louisiana

The mission of the 部门 of Biological and Applied Health 科学 at Xaiveriser University of Losuiana of Public Health is to understand and intervene in the social determinants of health and health equity across the life course.


joins five departments into a dynamic and innovative center for the study of people as social beings- their communication, 组织, 发展, 识别, 和挣扎. 来自心理学, 政治科学, 社会学, 大众传播与传播研究, DSBS disciplines employ distinct methods and theories to study the lived, 想象, 有区别的, 情感, 行为, 历史, 以及人类社会行为的分段形式和背景. 学生 choosing a DSBS major tend to enjoy working with some combination of people, data, 和想法, and they enjoy learning beyond the confines of books and classrooms.


每年, the 社会与行为科学部 and its affiliated departments award tuition assistance to students majoring in one of the DSBS Disciplines: 社会学, 心理学, 政治科学, 大众传播, 及传播学. These Academic Grants are awarded based on students’ demonstration of both academic merit and financial need.


Engaging students as researchers is a hallmark of a Xavier DSBS education.

DSBS professors are committed to developing scholars and leaders through undergraduate research. 研究 gives DSBS graduates a competitive edge in applying to and succeeding in graduate school. It shows employers that students have valuable critical thinking, collaboration, and writing skills. 最后, undergraduate research distinguishes students as thinkers and leaders in their chosen field, 准备好参加社交活动, 知识, 以及他们这一代的技术难题.

在只有10到15名学生的特殊班级, our majors learn to conduct research in their respective disciplines. 学生 may then use this foundation to work with a faculty mentor to develop their own research, 与其他学生和教师合作, 或者去做拿薪水的本科生研究人员. In addition to opportunities to collaborate with faculty at Xavier, 比如通过McNair和构建项目, students may participate in summer research programs at other universities through the MARC and RISE programs, 甚至可以通过杜兰-澳门新葡京博彩MHIRT项目在国际上学习.

Numerous programs and offices support undergraduate researchers at Xavier, 和DSBS的教师都站在这些倡议的最前沿. 在过去十年中, DSBS faculty has secured more than $3 million in funds to support undergraduate researchers.

在过去的100年里, Xavier University of Louisiana has inspired the students who pass through its doors to create a more just and humane society through the careers they choose. 经常, Xavier students spend the summer in internships pursuing the excellence instilled in them at Xavier. 今年夏天, 曼Niamke, 澳门新葡京博彩大学即将升入大三的学生, manifested her excellence when she was selected for the inaugural DuBois Scholar Program at Harvard University.

学生生活, 社区参与, 研究中, 合作伙伴计划

In the ever-evolving landscape of scientific exploration and innovation, one fundamental principle stands tall: diversity drives progress. 在科学领域, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM), inclusion isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone upon which groundbreaking discoveries are built. Institutions like Xavier University have played a pivotal role in pushing progress forward by actively engaging and empowering Black students in STEM, 建立一个所有声音都被重视和倾听的社区. 证明了这种动力, several Xavier students recently participated in the Annual Biomedical 研究 Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS). This prestigious research conference allows students who may come from marginalized communities to present their findings on a national level.

社区参与, 艺术 & 科学, 校友澳门新葡京博彩, 教育领导

10月3日和4日, Xavier University of Louisiana will join other research-driven institutions and 组织s during BIO on the BAYOU, 学术生物科学和生物技术展示. Individuals from across the Gulf South region will gather to share and advance cutting-edge biological innovation, 技术, 和研究. 报名是免费的,并在网上开放.

学生生活, 社区参与

双边带实习 & 一些实习课程

Xavier students majoring in the Social and Behavioral 科学 benefit from the dynamic, 新奥尔良的“生活实验室”. 虽然经验因专业而异, internships or clinical experiences that place students throughout New Orleans are integral to DSBS students’ academic and professional 发展. 这些经验有助于:

  • 确定澳门新葡京博彩大学毕业后的职业和研究生计划
  • Learning how to behave and to interact effectively in a professional setting
  • 与学生感兴趣领域的专业人士建立联系
  • 应用ing knowledge from an academic discipline to its “real world” implementation
  • translating the skills and knowledge of a major to professional contexts to identify and secure a desirable professional position"


